Friday, January 28, 2011


So I have changed in a lot of aspects in my life lately...I'm trying to get back on track and back to where I want to be. I want to be healthy...I want to be in shape...I want life to be good...I want to be able to play with my kids without being winded...I want I want I want...
Well I've also realized that I want to help and influence others in taking the first trying things and starting slow to at least do something!?!?! I have some ideas and thoughts running around in my head...I talk to Ryan about them...and we both have goals and ideas of how to accomplish these things...but I just struggle.
I worry about what others will think...I worry if it will offend them or upset them...I worry that we won't succeed...and I worry that it'll be a total and complete FLOP. 
I know I shouldn't care...I know I should do what's best for me and my family...but I still always think about others. I've always been like that...I always put others feelings and happiness before my own at times...and that's really something I need to improve on. 
I'm sure you all think this is a complete and utter BLABBING post...but I had to get thoughts out. I really do want to help...I really do want others to feel confident in themselves...and I want to do whatever I can to help them get there...hmmmm....what to do!?!?!


AnnaMarie said...

Are you talking about a career here? You can do counseling, or personal training, or lifestyle training as a profession. I think you'd be great at it! But non-profession-speaking, you already do all those things through your example, your friendships, and just being you.

Andrea and Danny said...

Confused Becki! What are you talking about!? And how would you offend anyone!?