Friday, July 15, 2011

Help...Help...HELP Please :)

Okie dokie peeps...I need HELP :) :) :) 

I'm struggling, and going back to my old ways...if you haven't been able to tell, I haven't been blogging much...haven't really been doing much of ANYTHING that I set out to do back in January :( It's so disappointing and frustrating...BLAH... I sit...on my chair...with fans blowing on me...and thinking of what snack I should eat...but at least when I think of things, and if they're not the HEALTHIEST things...I just don't eat...or I forget that thought...and get distracted by something else!!!

Anyways...I went back to Minnesota at the end of June...I stayed with my sister who I've ALWAYS loved, looked up to, and wanted to be like health wise. She and her husband have ALWAYS watched what they eat...tried to stay healthy, or in shape...but have also had their shares of ups and wise!!!
So...after going back there and being with them...and seeing how they just decide to watch portion sizes...exercise some everyday...and just make little changes like that...eventually it changes you and you lose don't want all that ice cream or JUNK...and they're dropping pounds!!! 

SO...I need to recommit...I need to make changes again...I NEED TO DO IT. My weight has stayed pretty much the's still a LOT MORE then what I want it to be...but I know I can make changes and that I can lose it. All I need to do is decide, commit, and succeed!!! Simple as that right!!!

NO...not for me at least...I need help!! HELP HELP HELP :) :) :) I would LOVE to do it with people who are REALLY serious and want to make changes too. People who will be there for me to vent...people who will be there to make changes WITH me...people who will tell me I'm dumb when I slip up and eat something I'm not supposed to...people who will get up and exercise with me SOMETIME during the day!!! I just need people I think!!! Would anyone like to join me?!?!?! We can do it together...we can compete...we can challenge each other...we can set goals to accomplish...we can help each other out...we can makes dinner ideas/calendars together...we can just do it TOGETHER!!! Who wants to...come know you want to!! 

I'd like to drop 40 least...not by a certain day...just healthy, daily, good choices/changes being made to make the weightloss work!!?!?! Zumba is GREAT...I sweat like CRAZY...and I LOVE IT!!! But I need something else too!?!?! My body is becoming immune to Zumba or something...and it's not burning off the fat like it was in the!?!?! Ideas on that would help too!!!


Amber said...

Its so good to hear from you! You have been facebook and blog absent... I love reading your blog and hearing whats really on your mind! WHOOTWHOOT on your new zest and enthusiasm!! Go BECKI!

Shelly said...

Read "Switch" by Chip Heath. Then talk to me.

Angela said...

A friend of mine from high school has put together a competition. You can join hers, or use the system yourself with your own group. Here are the details:

AnnaMarie said...

Wish I were there to help you out in person, Becki. I hope you can find someone dedicated to do it with there. You can do it! And even if you are "immune" :) to Zumba, keep going. Does your gym have personal training? Sometimes group personal training is affordable? Good luck!

Party of Five said...

I would LOVE to do this with you! I'd like to go running super early in the morning if it were doable for you??? Call me! Good job, and keep making the good choices! Just so you know I don't think i can call you dumb for making a bad choice.... but I can help you with finding better ones maybe!

Deanne said...

Try adding weights to your exercise schedule. I've been going to the 9am class (T and Th) and it kicks my trash. This is the first time I've been consistent with weights and I've noticed a huge difference. The scale hasn't dropped the numbers as quickly as I'd like, but I've lost a lot of inches and have noticed a lot more definition. If you want to try the strength class and want someone to meet you there, let me know! (there is also a M/W class at 5-6pm).

ThE CaRr SuPeRsTaRs said...

Becki! I haven't had a chance to read your blog lately until now! First off, YOU are amazing, even though you might not feel that way all the time, you really are! Don't let other people and stupid little thing try and bring you down! Keep your head up and surround yourself with good things and positive energy! We love you!
Now onto the struggling with tthe whole weight thing! I myslef struggle with it! i have major thyroid problems and no matter how hard I try I cant shed the pounds.... that is until now! A girl in my ward is a Health Coach for take shape for life. I just started the program last week and guess what??!! I lost 6lbs in ONE WEEK!!!! That's not normal for me at all! It's a program that helps you eat balanced food, a support group, and a lot of how to mentally change your ways of thinking when it comes to health! It seriously works!!!! If you are interested in more info let me know! It is life changing and will help you more than you can imagine! Love ya girl! :)