Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Missed workout blues...

Yesterday was a CRAPPY day...woke up weren't listening...didn't want to go on a walk with me...whining, arguing, bouncing around the house...I was a bit of a BEAST!!! 
I had been sending Ryan some texts and telling him his kids may not make it til the end of the day...and maybe he should consider taking a half day...not thinking he would actually do it...he sent me one back saying..."I'm getting off at ready to go run or workout or whatever"...Not believing him...or thinking he'd only be home for lunch...I didn't think much of it. 
THEN...he did come home...and for the DAY!!! He sent me on my way to workout and exercise so that I could "CHEER UP" and "GET HAPPY"...he knows that when I miss my workouts or don't get them in...that it takes a toll on my body, mind, and happiness!!!
So I headed over to the hospital track for my walk/jog...yeah right just my was sunny and 80 degrees out...I knew I didn't want to be I started my fast walk...I had my music mind was emptying out the stress and thoughts...and I just had ME was great!!!
I got about half-way around this track (which is 1.5 miles) and decided I'd try I myself little goals in my head to make it to...first the corner...then the stop light...then the end of the road...then the van...then the corner of the fence...then the end of the soccer fields...then just past the old couple walking together...then to catch up to the other elderly that point I was almost to where I started running...and I just told myself..."there's no point in stopping now...just make it a whole lap" I did!!! I, Becki Jones, ran a WHOLE lap around the hospital...yes...1.5 miles...I DID IT!!! ME...who knew!?!?! I finished walking the remainder of it to the van to cool down...but in all...I walked a whole lap AND ran a whole was AWESOME!!!!!
I CAN do it...I AM worth it...and I WILL push through to succeed!!! I was rejuvenated...happier...stronger...and more grateful for all that I have in my amazing husband...3 healthy, happy, beautiful, not-always-listening-kids...all those who LOVE me and ACCEPT me for who I am...and nothing more!!! I am truly blessed...and truly grateful!!!

When you're feeling down...feeling in the dumps...GET UP...GET OUT...and seriously helps...I know from experience!!!


Kassie said...

That is awesome! I'm so happy for you. I now how much I depend on that physical exhaustion. I'm an emotional eater, and when I could work hard enough to build a good sweat that need to comfort myself was so much lower. So now I'm sitting here, trying to convince myself that I can get dressed and get my insane children out of the house and make it to my swimming class. That I'll feel so much better if I go. Thanks for your post... it is definitely what I need today.

Anonymous said...

i don't want to be a wet blanket but i thought the track was 1.05 miles. anyway you are doing awesome. Keep it up!