Sunday, January 15, 2012

Let the journey begin.... it we go...let the FUN begin!!! For the next 6 weeks this here Debbie will be my BEST friend!! Well not really...I'll still have Ryan...but I'll see her DAILY!!! I'll follow her instructions DAILY...and I'll start making changes!!! 

I am starting her "Slim in 6" tomorrow morning...January 16, 2012...I will be committing to doing her workouts...following her "start up" 6-day diet...and CHANGING my life!!! It's not going to be just a temporary will be a lifestyle change...and I WILL stick to it!!!

My friend Eric is in the I type this...of filling out my workout plan and going to instruct me as to what I need to do!!! Between Slim in 6, Zumba, my Jillian dvd, and walking/running...I'll be a whole new Becki in NO time!!! :) Only this time I'm actually changing my eating too...YAY!!!

I'm anxious, excited, nervous, and worried about starting...but I know I'll be fine. I can do it...I WILL do it...and I WILL succeed. I'm worried about setting myself up to fail...but I know I am stronger then that, and that I can succeed!! Failure is NOT an option for me right now...too many people are watching...joining...and helping/encouraging!!! 

Go Becki :) 

I'll be posting daily as a journal type show how I'm feeling, doing, and what my tough parts have been!!! 

Here goes nothing!!! :) :) :)