Sunday, June 12, 2011

Been awhile...

I've been slacking...

I haven't been eating right...haven't been real motivated to exercise, even though I feel GREAT after I do'd think I'd realize the benefits of continuing!?!?! I haven't been too positive or happy lately...just been struggling still...trying to stay afloat...and trying to think of fun things to keep the kids & I busy for the summer!?!?!

Anyways...I'm still alive...I still need help and encouragement to KEEP GOING...Ryan even mentioned the other day that my belly is getting bigger again :( So obviously the lack of watching closer at what's going in my mouth...and making a conscience effort to NOT eat so much having an effect on me...and it's not a good one...I'm gaining all the weight back that I've worked so hard to lose the last few months...and soon the inches will be coming back on too if I'm not it kinda makes the last few months seem worthless...

So here's to GETTING BACK ON TRACK...eating better...being more active...looking for the positive...and being HAPPY...only I can change things...and even if that means taking things one second, minute, hour, day, or whatever at a time!!! I can do here goes!!!

And thank goodness I have an amazing best friend, husband, and example in my keep me going and love me even with all my issues and struggles...I LOVE YOU BABE...



AnnaMarie said...

Yay! You're back! You can do it! I've been feeling like it's been hard to work out lately, too. Let's do it, though! Summer's a great time to fill your fridge with lots of fruits & veggies and to eat light!

Wendy said...

I've been thinking about you! I missed you today in Nursery (I was going to invite you to choir) :).

Hooray for getting back on track! I had to fill out a health form last week, and when it asked how often I exercised, I hated putting "never," so it's changing this week. Good luck in your efforts, too!

Party of Five said...

I'm going running in the morning if you want to join me- before Ryan has to go to work? Let me know!

Amber said...


CaradonandtheBoys! said...

Hang in there. I am struggling too, as you know, but I have to remind myself that weight loss is a series of peaks and valleys. Also, don't let mistakes trip up your future progress. So many people, including me, tend to say, well, I've already screwed up, may as well keep going. But, I have to remind myself to just re-double my efforts from now on. Love ya, friend, I know we can both do this!

Roberts Family said...

Question, did Ryan have a red mark on his face after he said that? (jk) lol I know he is a good man. He is lucky to have you. Good for you for not giving up - One of my favorite sayings by Pres. Hinckley a long time ago said that if we keep trying we haven't failed. I apply that to everything now. It's comforting to know, especially when I screw up on a regular basis!! :-)