Monday, May 23, 2011

Struggles...stresses...and blessings...

So our laptop got a virus or something...and has died. Which means the only way I have to do anything online is to use our iPhone. Isn't isn't easy or convenient, but at least it's a way to connect huh?!?! But without the laptop...I'm not able to upload my bodybugg, blog, or put in my food diary stuff. It kinda sucks...which leads me to this post. Life the last few weeks has been tough...and yet ok...hard...but still good. I've struggled with my depression again...I've been harder on the kids...doing worse with eating and being healthy...and not really seeing much of the positive or blessings I have in my life. It hasn't been fun...and I just wish these ruts and struggles would go away. I just thought I'd make a small list o my stresses and struggles...
•this rain
•the rain
•being cooped in a small apartment
•hyper, ancy kids who are sick being inside
•my eating choices and not being stronger to say NO
•my scale
•others who seem to get everything and we work and work and still nothing
•oh...and how about the RAIN
Seriosly it's been rainin here for like 35-40 of the last 55. It makes it really hard to have any ambition...any energy...any's just been crappy. The sunshine really does make life better...does make me happier...and does help. However it hasn't been around lately...ugh.
Anyways...I'm sorry for the lack of posting...but hopefully things will look up and start to get better here!!! I do have so much to be grateful's just hard to see it when I'm so down.


Party of Five said...

The rain is pretty crappy! Keep up the good work- we can't expect ourselves to change all at once. Be patient, and know that you have lots of people on your side!

AnnaMarie said...

Ok, now the next post I challenge you to list all the positives! :) It is very hard to have so many rainy days!