Monday, May 2, 2011

Bump in the road...and then another...oh and one more too :)

So this last week has been a TOUGH one, and I don't wish it on anyone else. I feel like I was doing good and helping others out and serving them in a way...but then it all comes back and hits me just as hard!?!?! Maybe it's because I wasn't doing it completely humbly!??!?! I don't know...

Well we've had a few bumps in my road this last week...more then the usual...sick kids, teething baby, allergy kids, and so on...last Tuesday we got a call from Ryan's mom that his sister in Logan was having another on Wednesday morning I called to see what I could do to help...I was told "nothing" ok. I tried...then a little bit later I got a call from his sister asking if I'd come stay up there with her 2 yr old to help out...I thought...Hmmm, instead of bringing FOUR more kids (my 3 and my 11 yr old niece) up there to their about I just load one more sweetie into my van and bring her down here so Mommy/new baby can rest and relax and recover without interruptions!?!?! Erin was ok with we packed up the kids and took off for a road trip to Logan :) Yes, it was a "bump" in the road, but one that I was VERY grateful I was able to help with and be there when it was needed.

Well then came Friday...still had the 2 extra nieces for the week, which wasn't really a problem at was fun and entertaining for the kids!!! But I had a dentist appt scheduled...and not a "normal" "routine" appointment :( It was a "fixing an already done root canal" appointment. :( It was SOOOO not fun...I don't remember the technical name for it...but they cut your gums, pull the tissue away from the teeth, cut off the bottoms of the roots that are getting infected, scoop out the infection in the jaw/gums, plug it all back up, and push together to be stitched up. :) :) Sounds fun huh!! Well it wasn't...they said mine was worse then they've seen in a long time...there was a LOT of blood...there was a LOT of Novocaine...there was a LOT of pain after it all wore off...there was a LOT of swelling...and it just HURT :(

I've pretty much felt like this since Friday afternoon :( Having ice on my face...swelling is slowly going down...only supposed to be eating pudding, ice cream, yogurt, know REAL healthy stuff!?!?! Not supposed to lift anything heavier then a jug of milk...(guess that cuts out my 27 lb Kyson...AND the 2 2 yr olds I had this weekend too )...thank goodness for Auntie Shauna, Gramma Jones, and most of amazing hubby Ryan!!! Now I've got yucky stitches in my mouth...a sore incision hurts and I don't wish it on ANYONE...I've even had to cancel Zumba for tomorrow night :( BLAH...

Well...that was the 2nd bump...that is now going on day 4+ of being painful and annoying. 

Then comes the last bump...with all this GREAT help and stuff Ryan has been doing...he's come down with something :( Poor guy...I try to get him to lay down and rest, but he refuses cuz he doesn't want to seem like a "baby" since I just had "surgery" and he's just sick...I appreciate him so much more then her knows I think. I'm so glad he's willing to take the kids for a day so I can sleep or rest...or that even though he's not feeling the best, he'll play with the kids and keep them entertained when I need a break...I hope he'll be better SOON...cuz we all need to get over our issues...and I'm hoping he realizes how truly lucky I am to have a GREAT hubby who actually steps up when it's needed most!! I LOVE YOU BABE :) :) :)

Here's to hoping for a better week this week...AND that the scale doesn't add on TOO many pounds for the pudding, yogurt, and ice cream I've been eating...YIKES :) :) :) 


Party of Five said...

SO sorry you feel crappy! Can you have soup? I would LOVE to make some soup for you! Call me tomorrow, and FEEL BETTER!!!

AnnaMarie said...

Good luck, Becki. Sounds like an awful week! Sometimes it's nice to have cousins to help entertain your own kids, so I hope that part is helping. I'm wishing you all a speedy recovery! Yogurt is good for you, and shakes are too, as long as they're yogurt- and not ice cream-based! :) Love ya!