Sunday, February 27, 2011


So why is it that we as women take SO much out on ourselves?? Why do we beat ourselves up, and be SO incredibly hard on ourselves and each other?? Why can't we just accept things how they are and realize that a LOT of things we can't change?? We can't change the past...we can't predict the future...all we can do is accept what we have to MOVE FORWARD. 
Some things have happened over the weekend that I'm not real proud of...but they happened. Some issues just get built up TOO much and finally I explode...and it brings out a LOT of cooped up anger, frustration, and more. So I don't know how to change that...I don't know how to feel about reactions that come from it. I know it's a weakness I have...and I have to accept that and MOVE FORWARD.'s difficult. 
I'm tired of wondering and worrying what other people they feel about me...what they say about me when I'm not around...if they like me OR my kids & hubby...I don't know. I say I don't care...but we all know that deep down we all really do what do I do!?!?!
WHY is being a woman so difficult??...and WHY do I beat myself up so much??...and WHY do I always feel like I have to accept the blame for things and just deal with it, to make others feel better and to "fix" their problems!?!?! WHY WHY WHY!?!??! 


Sandi Bennett said...

I love you, Becki, and think you've got the cutest little family! I've beaten myself up quite a bit over the years, but as I've gotten older I don't let things bother me as much. I still get down on myself from time to time, but nothing like when I was a younger mom. Yep, we women feel like we need to be perfect. What a silly personality quirk we have! Go easy on yourself. You are doing a great job raising great kids. If you do something you're not proud of, start anew. We're all learning as we go along. This life is tough and each of us has our own challenges. Hang in there - it's worth it!

Anonymous said...

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

Hey, "anonymous", that is really nasty. Didn't your mother ever teach you if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all?