Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spread the word...and the LOVE!!!

My Zumba instructor, Shelly, at the Rec Center is starting a new class NEXT WEEK. It's a Zumba Gold® class...which is a low-impact class, originally created with seniors in mind. can be for women who are pregnant...or anyone worried about their joints or other physical issues.
She is an AMAZING instructor and truly LOVES what she does...check out her blog/website HERE to get the times, days, prices, specials, and MORE info!!! It will be a GREAT class...I have no doubt...and I just want to help get the word out for her so she can get PLENTY of people there!!!
So if you have anyone in mind that you think would benefit from this form of Zumba® then PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get them this info...I can also get business cards from her if needed!!!

GO SHELLY!!! :) :) :)

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I hope you treat yourself well and really love who you are because I SURE DO! You're fantastic. Thanks!