Thursday, September 15, 2011

How do you LOVE and ACCEPT yourself???

So that's an awfully "blah" question as the title huh??? I've just been thinking and wondering the last few days. My last post got some GOOD, helpful comments...but the last one REALLY stuck out to me...and then chatting with that friend again...just got my brain going again. I don't really think...ok I know...I don't really love and accept myself for how I am. I'm constantly comparing myself with other women, moms, wives, daughters, sisters...every other female around really. I compare my life with other people's...I dwell on what everyone else has that I don't or may NEVER get. It's pathetic really...but it's what I do...and I'll admit it. 
While talking with my friend Janel today...I realized that she's right...and I need to change my outlook. I don't know how...I don't really know where to start...but I need to change. I've had several people tell me NOT to dwell on the scale...NOT to dwell on the mistakes...and to just accept me as me and be happy. HOW????????????
I know I have an AMAZING husband who loves me for who I am...and he tells me that daily...but I can't say that I do that?? I feel like some days I love myself...and I'm ok with who I am and what I look like...but NOT everyday??? Sad... :( 
There have been quotes given to me from this one...‎"It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you have." And I know there have been talks or articles from the general authorities about comparing this ONE. 
I guess I just don't know what to do?? I want to be happy with myself...with my life...I want to accept myself...I WANT to be an example to my kids so they KNOW that their Mommy LOVES can't just be a front...or a "fake it til you make it" thing. 

This last quote hit me...I do deserve it...I'm just not positive how to make it happen??? (P.S...I liked ALL these pictures I found to add to this post)


Mike and Jana Black said...

The BEST thing that helped me is watching what you say to yourself. Let's face it, we all talk to ourselves. If we're constantly telling ourselves that we're fat, ugly, worthless, etc. we're going to feel that way. For starters, if I say something negative about myself, out loud or in my head, I replace it right away with something positive. Just keep doing that until the negative things stop coming so frequently. Also I never ( ok almost never) say something that I wouldn't want to hear coming out of my daughters mouth. Just start with little things. Tell yourself 10 happy things about yourself a day. Small things make great things! love you!

Tepoe said...

I have another friend who appears to think like you. This seems to be one of the reasons she is also very critical of herself and others. Unhappiness is definetly not pretty! May I suggest you lower your standards a bit? I always say- low standards, but high hopes! This way, any tiny thing you accomplish is amazing!! If it's easier to create amazing moments, it's also easier to be in them, feel them, remember them, and create them AGAIN! Leading to many amazing and happy moments daily= a happy life:)

Good luck my friend- hope to see you teaching sometime soon!