Monday, September 12, 2011

What to do...What to do...??????

What to do...what to do??? Oh man...I've had a LOT of thoughts lately. Most of them sad or negative thoughts...but I'm working on that!!! But amongst all of THAT...I have had LOTS of thoughts about what I should do with my "PLAN"...

You BIG plan of losing weight...getting in shape...becoming healthier...and changing my lifestyle!!!'s that working for ya??? ha ha ha...not really working at all. :( 

What do I do??? I've considered Weight Watchers...but don't know where I'll pull the money from for that each month...(I STRONLGLY dislike money)...I've considered getting a studio or place to teach Zumba to actually make some money for it...(but will anyone actually come and follow along if it's NOT free???)...I've wanted to go through and clean out all my cupboards, drawers, shelves, and storage...(but that would be a LOT of wasted money...again STRONGLY disliking money lately) I just don't know what to do!?!?!?!

I would LOVE suggestions or advice!?!?! Has anyone done weight watchers!?!?! And is it really easy to stick to?? I know I just need to DO something and STICK to it...I've done it before, so I know I can...but what!?!?! I don't know???

Suggestions anyone???? Anyone want to join me and be my "buddy/partner" in this!?!?!


AnnaMarie said...

I hope you find a good friend to do it with. It's hard to make a paid Zumba class when it sounds like around there there are lots of free options, and everyone worries about money. :) You can't think that going through and throwing out junk food is "wasting money." It's what they call in economics a SUNK COST. If you throw it out, you're not wasting money, because it's already spent and you can't get it back. And you're not going to spend money replacing it! RIGHT!? So throw out the junk, and make a DO-NOT-BUY list, including chips, cookies, fruit snacks, candy, etc. Anything that is going to go against what you're working for. It's like keeping pornography or R-rated movies in your house...get it out and only let in the good! You can do it!

Anonymous said...

you can always give the food to a friend. Not me by the way. We went to a health thing at uvu a few years back and we found that the only way I can loose weight is to make it difficult to get to the yucky food. Start with one sugar day a week like on Sunday. Bake something that will be gone that day. You won't eat as much sugar in one day that you would eat throughout a week even if you binge but you get to a point where a little is enough. You need to make yourself responsible so if you eat even one fruit snack then you don't get the bake day on Sunday. Have someone responsible to you so that you have to tell them that you were good. It's a lot but I think once you get sugar out of your system you won't eat as much. It's like a drug I think that I just realized that sugar has been making me really lazy like I don't care as much about things I should care about. There needs to be some changes at our house too. Yuck! Good luck you will do great!

Mike and Jana Black said...

I personally love weight watchers. It's a good plan and when you go to the meetings you get new strategies and it helps you to keep your motivation up. You don't have to throw stuff away, just from now on buy the healthy stuff and slowly replace the other stuff. If you can't have that stuff around (like me), then give it away. You're going to have to dig down and find some commitment. That doesn't mean you won't make mistakes. But let them go and get back on track as soon as you can. If you make a bad choice, tell yourself that the next choice you make will be a good one! Good luck and I'll help you in any way I can!

Trent and Janel Lyman said...

I think getting healthy is more than just loosing weight. First you need to love and accept yourself. It's HARD to do, I know! Accept that you may never be "marriage" skinny again. But, look at what you can do (without passing out). Girl you can (and do!) teach an exercise class, that's amazing!! Your health benefits for that. Make small changes everyday. Drink tons of water, eat 5 fruits/veggies per day, cuz out fried foods, eat out less, cut out sugar....little things add up to huge things! I think the more you stress about it the harder it is to loose the weight (at least for me anyway :) I will be your buddy. You can be accountable to me. Write down everything you put into your mouth...I'll do the same...I'm always surprised at what I'm eating when I do that.

I've done weight watchers, and it is good if you follow it, but money....