Monday, September 5, 2011

FAILURE...or feeling like one...

So remember who I posted back at the beginning of August and made all these grandioso plans and promises and what not!?!?! Ya...I FAILED...BIG TIME :( So now it's Sept. 5th...and I haven't gotten back on the "band-wagon"...haven't eaten better...or exercised more...just gotten lazier and fatter and more down on myself. UGH...I hate this...

But here goes...I got on the scale this morning...for the first time in a few weeks...because I was nervous to see what I'd find out...and sure enough...I should've just STAYED OFF of it...UGH. So disappointing and frustrating. Yes I've struggled with eating...yes I've been drinking more pop and less water...yes I've been teaching my Tuesday night Zumba class, but that's it. Haven't been walking as much...haven't been going to the rec center...just been lazy. 

But enough poor me poor me...yes it sucks...and yes I've failed myself yet again...but I can change that right??? I can make the decision to STOP what I'm doing now or have been doing for the last 3 months...and DO BETTER. Ryan even just said this morning..."let's commit to doing something...and change"...or something like I know he wants to as well. Now just a matter of DOING IT...

Here's to improving...making dinners at home...drinking more water again...getting MORE into Zumba, because it really does make me happier...exercising more...eating better...being that really so much?!?!? Nah...I can do it...cuz when I do, it makes things SOOOO much better around here.

So here is another NEW month...I CAN change...and I WILL take the steps needed to make goes!!! 

***Sorry for the lack of posting lately***


AnnaMarie said...

Becki, I"m sorry you haven't reached your goals yet, but I like your attitude, and think that by continuing to think positive and work hard, you'll get there! Good luck! Love ya!

Roberts Family said...

Don't be too hard on yourself, it is really hard to fulfill all the roles we have as mothers - we are always putting our kids and most everything else first which usually puts time for ourselves last and by that time who has the energy for "me" time except to sleep!