Monday, September 26, 2011

Our 5K....

Ryan works with a guy whose daughter has juvenile diabetes.So every year this guy sets up a team from UCCU to participate in the 5k for diabetes!!! The last two years, we've had family weddings or things happening, so this is the first time we got to do it...and it was FUN!!! Richard had told Ryan there was LOTS for the we figured it would be good to try out!!! Race/run/exercise for the parents...and fun/games for the kids!!! And it's all for a GOOD cause!!! So we did it!!

We got to the park, and Klous saw BYU's COSMO mobile thing!!! He was so so we found Cosmo and got some pictures!!! Klous looks a little nervous in the picture, but he was brave and stood with Cosmo!!! Then we got Cosmo to be by ALL the kids...and then after that, Cosmo showed Klous he could do a Klous had to show his mad skills and do a front flip with no hands!!! He was pretty proud!!! Silly kid...but he was HAPPY to see Cosmo!!!
Cosmo and the kiddos...and we were even happier, because BYU WON on Friday night!! WooHoo :)
This is Elizabeth (standing next to me)...and she's the daughter of Richard. The reason we were running and doing this race!!!
We started the race...and it was a little crowded and packed at first...until we got to the next street...then we could pass people and go at our own pace. I had wanted to run a little of it...just because that is something I'd like to eventually get to...RUNNING an entire 5k :) So we walked at first...then jogged/ran the next while...then walked to catch our breath...and get through the busy street again...then we ran some more!! It felt SOOO good...and it was great to see I could actually do it!!! We did our 2 laps of the course...and we finished!! WooHoo :) :) :) I didn't feel TOO tired...I was tired but not dying!!! I was just happy that we finished and succeeded and DID IT!! 

Ryan took the older 2 to the Kyson and I relaxed and listened to some music!! Aren't we cute!!!
Then we found someone to take a family picture of us!! Look how cute we all are in our matching shirts...and JUST finishing a 5k!!!! Klous rode his scooter the majority of the time...and the other 2 rode in the stroller!!! It was GOOD time for all of us!!! ...(can't believe how big our kiddos are getting)...
We got the lunch they had provided for us...and found some shade...the kids were ALL smiles...and just wanted to eat and get done, so they could go play!!!
LoL...I LOVE this picture!!! Aysha is oh so tired...and Kyson is SOOOO excited about his hot dog!!! I love it!! That kid just makes me laugh!!! His expressions and smiles just make me smile!!!
And this picture I love too...I wouldn't have been able to do the race without Ryan...I wouldn't have been able to run and KEEP running if he wasn't there encouraging I love him to pieces...I'm so SO lucky to have such an amazing hubby!!! Who could ask for more!!! I love you babe!!!
We finished lunch...and headed to the games and FUN for the was a GREAT time and so worth our time and donation and energy!! And now I can say that I RAN in a 5k :)


AnnaMarie said...

I think this post is what you'd call a Runner's High. You rock, girl! I've only done a 5K once, and it was exhilarating! Way to go!

Talyn said...

Congratulations! You can finish a 5k! And you proved it!