Monday, February 6, 2012

Feeling better... :)

So...after some time...some tears shed this morning...some talks with those I love the MOST...some emails/messages between Eric & I...running into an AMAZING example at the rec center...having some time to think...and just realizing how truly blessed I am...I'm doing better!!!
I've been having a tough time too with all the Powell family story on the news...and just how any "man" or "father" could seriously do this. Such a cowardly, evil act that he did...just breaks my heart for that family. So I've been consumed with thoughts of that as well...and just how sad it really is...BUT it's also a true blessing to those little boys, to be able to be with their sweet Mommy again.
Anyways...amid all these NEGATIVE thoughts and problems I "see" in my life...I've been able to take a step back and thankful...and treasure all that I DO have...all that I CAN do...and all that I AM doing.
I have an AMAZING family...a husband who loves me no matter what...3 BEAUTIFUL, healthy kids who forgive me without a second thought...friends and extended family who are there for me continually...a house to stay warm...clothes to to eat...the WONDERFUL gospel of Jesus Christ in my life...the knowledge that I can pray for help and to know that things WILL work out, and get better...I am truly blessed. I love people...I love all that I have...if only I could strengthen my LOVE for myself...then things would be GREAT!!! I am working on it daily...realizing what is good about me...realizing what I CAN do...and going to share that with others!!!
This is a BIG step for me...I will do better...I will continue to improve and make steps and choices for the better...I CAN do it...and I WILL do wait and see!!! ;) :) ;) :) ;) :)
Thank you to everyone I have in my life and for your continued love and support...wouldn't get through this without you all!!!


AmbertheGreat said...

I don't usually promote products unless I really truly believe in them. I worked for Unicity and was able to try their products and I truly believe that they help. I have been stagnant on my weight loss and eating too much but once I started taking slim again I started losing weight and I have been able to control my appetite.

Don't feel pressure but if you want to try it at all let me know.

This is the main website

This is the Slim Product and the theory behind it

This is SLim G the newer product.

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

What a lovely post, Beck. I hope you truly know how wonderful and blessed you are, and the blessings you bring to us.