Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Just keep swimming...Just keep swimming...

I haven't posted about weight loss for the last couple weeks...haven't really gotten around to it...and have forgotten as well. But the last couple weeks also haven't been so great in this area. I'm not succeeding at the whole eating healthy or even "good" for that matter. :( 
Last week when I weighed...I was 1 pound down...and then this morning when I weighed was back up a!?!?! Really no weight loss I all balanced out I suppose. I'm not so proud of it...because the first few weeks of my plan and program...I was doing so SO good...and now it's a pound off...two on...a couple off...and!?!?! I don't's starting to get frustrating...
then I find something like this quote I put at the beginning...I need to just keep TRYING...I need to keep going...and I NEED to do better. I know the things I'm slacking on...I know I've been putting too much sugar in my mouth...I know I'm not being as healthy and good as I should be...but what do I do about it!?!?! Complain...and not make changes...THAT DOESN'T HELP!!! So there...I've posted this...I've been honest...I've spilled the beans...and now I NEED help and encouragement...I know I can do this...I know I want it...and I know I'm LOVING the changes that have happened so far.
Also...I must mention...stress does NOT help me. It makes me eat makes me makes me just want to sleep and do stirs up the depression just all around sucks. So I have a question...Do any of you readers know how to help me NOT get so involved or upset or worried about other peoples problems!?!? Or to NOT take things so personally!?!?! Some things people have said to me lately have REALLY hurt...and I should be able to just let it go...but I don't know how...and I don't know how to NOT feel bad for people and want to help them!?!?!
So here's to another week...another start...and hoping and WANTING changes to happen...Just gotta keep trying :)


Party of Five said...

LOVE ya! I don't know what to tell ya about the worry. I have always been a worrier too. In fact, my friends used to say that I would have and ulcer by the time I was 20. BUT I haven't had one!Just pray that Heavenly Father will help you let go of the things you can not change. That has helped me, and remember- we LOVE YOU!!!

AnnaMarie said...

Just keep going! Get the junk out of your house again, and this time, as you take it out of your cupboards, write down how much it costs. When you realize how much you're paying for chips, candy, brownies, etc. you'll be MUCH less likely to pay for it again! If you can't stand to throw it away, give it to the missionaries. :) You can do it, and you'll be happier and happier the healthier you live.

Wendy said...

What I believe is a true principle and what I'm trying to be better at is that if we take better care of ourselves and our relationshp with God, like ourselves more AND pray for charity, then the worrying about others won't effect us so much. I'm not great at this yet, but I'm pretty sure that's what it boils down to.

Mike and Jana Black said...

Don't give up because things get hard. When you have a bad day with eating get right back on track. EVERYONE who changes their eating lifestyle has set backs. I do and I will forever, the trick is to not let it totally derail you and if it does, just get back on track. Forgive yourself and move on. Don't get wrapped up in other people problems. Don't worry about the things that you can't control. Just think to yourself, is worrying about this going to help, if not LET IT GO.

Talyn said...

Several loosely related thoughts:

I once heard a talk about learning the difference between what we want now and what we want most. Right now I want candy, but what I want most is a healthy body.

Have you been keeping track of the days you eat well and exercise the way your Zumba teacher suggested at the beginning? That way you can celebrate success every day, not once a month when you feel like the scale reflected good work. Celebrate the good work, not it's reflection.

Maybe you could make a list of snacks that are ok so when all you want is *that specific unhealthy thing* you can look at your list and maybe find something that can hold you over. Some of my favorites are an apple with peanut butter (I get sweet and fat from it), and kettle corn (a lot better than 17 oreos). Maybe kettle corn is not the healthiest choice, but if it keeps me from eating something worse I count it a success.

How is your running coming?

sarah Ann said...

maybe insted of focusing on the scale you can just focus on being healthy the as for the worring thats a tuffy i would say just stop caring but i know thats hard but its also hard on you too. there is such a thing as caring too much at least about the things that dont matter in the long run or effect you negitivly or compleatly out of your realm of control maybe you could ask your self can i care with out getting too emotionaly involved to the point where it hurts me?
you have to learn where to draw the line for your own mental helth and your physical health you say you eat more when your stressed or worring i used to stop eating for days but i had to get to the root of the problem and fix that before i could fix the symptom i hope this helps i belive in you you will get past this and anything in your way you have amazing determination. love ya andim pulling for ya! :D