Monday, February 28, 2011


How could someone be so INCREDIBLY hearltess and RUDE?!?!? I will make this blog private if these kind of comments will be coming through. What a way to "encourage" me and "help"...I can make assumptions of who did this...but I'll never get an honest I just wanted to make EVERYONE else aware who reads this blog...whoever did that is PATHETIC...

Here's the last blog post...when I just wanted vent...or whatever...cuz you know that's what a blog is about...this is a comment I get from an "anonymous" person....

Ya...nice huh!?!?! Just that website...just that...nothing explanation. Nice huh!?!?! Way to go whoever you are...


CaradonandtheBoys! said...

I just defended you!!! Check it out!

Wendy said...

Good Grief!!

Why can't we all just play nice??

Ray said...

Wow that's pretty low, people like to be rude to make themselves feel bigger...

Anonymous said...

Becki just remember that it doesn't matter what others think or say. You know who and what you are and that is all that matters. I love you.


Party of Five said...

it's funny because WEBMD is paid for by the drug companies, so they are pushing drugs on people. There information is tainted accordingly.

Anonymous said...

It might be worth looking into.

breckster said...

Not that I think you are bi polar, but I have a friend who was recently diagnost after years of thinking she had medicine resistant depression. It has changed her life.

I think the important thing is to remember that we just don't know what others experience is. That person read one blog post and judged, when a judgement like that should have been left to a doctor. And maybe don't take it as an insult instead invent a person for anonymous, a 30 something mother of four who was has been managing manic depression for the last 5 years after years of thinking she was a horrible mom and wife because she felt she couldn't control her emotions.

Love you p. Hope you have a good day

Amber said...
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Amber said...

I totally see the depressive part of that diesease. This is a very personal topic and noone should judge the feelings that you post. You are an amazing person just trying to do yor best! I love you for putting it out there because too many mothers just put up the perfect side of their life. YOU ARE AWESOME!!
Love your guts!!!
P.S. DONT SKIP YOUR MEDS...! I know how CRAZY I get if i miss one morning... LOVELOVELOVE YoU!!!!

breckster said...

It looks like our thirty something managing manic depression was concerned about you again. I bet it would show more concern and validity is she didn't do it anonymously. You can set your blog to only accept comments from people who sign in. Do that before you go private I think people need to know that these are real struggles.

Moe said...

Wow! I seems that "Anonymous" sure does know alot about the subject. Probably a self-diagnosis! just sayin.
A true friend would talk to you privately and not over a blog and DEFINATELY not Anonymously. It sure does show their true character-sly and underhanded.

krista said...

Wow, I totally can't believe that someone could be so rude! I haven't had a chance to read your blog for a couple of days and saw this! I am sorry that someone had to be so rude and immature!