Monday, April 25, 2011


So this is how I felt incredibly frustrated...shocked...and blown away really!?!?!?
I haven't been the best at posting my weigh-ins or whatever...but for the last 3-4 weeks, I've been fluctuating between 197-198 week up a pound, the next down a couple and back and forth and back and forth...that's been annoying to me too, but whatever...was STILL under 200...
So this morning...I wake up...go to the bathroom...and weigh myself as I usually do on Monday mornings...granted...I was lazy and didn't take my jammies this time I had clothes on...but when I stood on the scale...I was said 204.6 lbs :( :( :( :( :( 
WHAT THE CRAP!?!?!?! I have been working my BUTT off this last week...crazy exercise...not a TON of eating...but with Easter I did eat some not such good food...and a few nights I have like ice cream...but 6 pounds!?!?! WHAT!?!?!? I thought it was a glich and maybe it was cuz I have extra clothes on!?!?! ;) :) ;) :) Positive thinking I guess!?!?!
Well I went to Zumba tonight...after a VERY lazy day...lots of convincing myself to GO...and finally getting there. I didn't work AS hard, because I have to teach again tomorrow night...and don't want to be completely dead tired...but I didn't wimp out either!?!?! Ran to get milk and bread...then came home...took a shower...and before the shower I tried ONE more time for the on the scale...and this time it said 204.9.... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :-O
What the heck!?!?! It's not the time of the month...I'm stressed...but not really anymore then normal!?!?! I just don't get it...I've told myself that the reason I haven't been getting lower then my 197 is because of my diet...and I keep saying I'm going to I WILL change!?!?! I do NOT want to be over 200...that has been my biggest decision and goal to stick to...that number just FREAKS me out...and I DO NOT WANT THAT... annoying...I made the kids spaghetti tonight...cuz they LOVE their noodles...but I made wraps for Ryan/I...chicken, lettuce, corn, cheese, and ranch...probably TOO much ranch...but I thought it was better then downing a TON of pasta!?!?!
I don't know...I will definitely be paying more attention to what I'm ACTUALLY eating now...and trying to figure out what are GOOD calories and what are EMPTY calories that don't help...if any of you know that or have good ideas...please help me. I feel like I'm back to day ONE and starting fresh again...I'm very annoyed and frustrated...but I also know that I can get over this hump...and see more changes...hopefully SOONer rather then later!?!?!?



Talyn said...

I definitely know the feeling.

Have you had your thyroid checked out? There was a time I was working out 5 days a week and eating well and still I was tired and not losing any weight. It turns out it was my thyroid. It's very easy to fix (depending on the problem) and has made my life a whole lot better.

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

Becki, that sucks, I'm so sorry, cuz I know how hard you've been working. I agree with your friend who suggested checking your thyroid. Also, I haven't been great at using that website I told you about, but the nice thing is when I put in food items, it tells me how much calories are in them, so I can see what is good and what isn't. If you want to join, it's kind of fun. See you later, and at your class tonight, which will be awesome!!

iw said...
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Becky Whitney said...
this one is really good. It helps you set a calorie goal and you can see what percentage of what you eat is carbs and fat. It really is quite easy. It also helps you keep track of your water. Make sure you are drinking enough!

AnnaMarie said...

I'm sorry, Becki...I'd also recommend an online calorie counter. Just keep going! More exercise and healthier eating WILL work to lose weight. Sometimes even those biggest loser contestants gain a pound or two, and that's working out for hours and hours a day with trainers! Don't be too hard on yourself. Your body does all sorts of things, and next week you'll be down 7 pounds and it won't be because you've been doing anything different. I know it's frustrating, but don't get discouraged! You can do it!

Mike and Jana Black said...

When you workout as much as you are, sometimes your body gains a little weight. I bet you'll see a big drop soon as long as you stick to your plan. But like I said before you should have your thyroid checked.

Sandi Bennett said...

Your body may be responding to the sudden increase of exercise. Any stress on the body may cause weight gain. As it becomes used to your current pace, the weight should start dropping off again.
I like the links Caradon and Becky gave you. Both are wonderful sites. If you have a smart phone or Ipod touch, has an app - or so I've been told. You are doing great! Our bodies can sure be complicated sometimes and it can take awhile to figure them out. You are an inspiration. I love reading your blog! Thank you for sharing your challenge with us! :)

Karla said...

Aw man don't you hate that! (I say while eating a sweet roll, lol) I am not sure at all how that happens! (okay so maybe in my case it is the Easter Rolls) I too get frustrated when I think I have done so good or haven't done any bad and yet those little numbers scream obscene things at me. Robert was even frustrated awhile ago about the scale readings, and I told him I always just read the results and subtract 100 lbs. Then I feel better. Keep your chin up, the real thing that matters is the way your clothes fit, how you feel, and the inches lost. That's why means more to me anyway. I hope you don't beat yourself up too much for this set back. It will be gone before you know it without probably changing anything.

krista said...

Becki don't get frustrated because you are seriously doing so well! You are an inspiration to so many people! Don't worry about what the scale says, instead just think of how you feel. I also love the website. It totally makes me think about what I am eating. (It also makes me kind of depressed when I see how many calories are in some of my favorite foods!) My only other suggestion is maybe you need more rest. I know that for me if I am working out every day and not giving my body enough sleep and rest, my body will hold onto calories. It really can be a good thing to take a couple of nights off and just hang out and watch tv!