Monday, January 23, 2012

It was a SUCCESS :)

Well I'm sure some of you are waiting for the "RESULTS" post...and here it is!!! I had a busy weekend and day yesterday...but of course I didn't let anything get in the way of doing my weight and measurements yesterday morning!!! :) Let's just say you can all "high-five" the screen for me!! Cuz I'm THRILLED with the results!!! :)
So Saturday was the last day...and Ryan & I decided we'd push through and do it all day til "afternoon snack"...then we'd do something healthier for dinner other then fish, chicken, steamed cabbage/brussel he was working on taxes all day...and I went to Ikea with his sisters...I brought along my healthy snacks and water!!! It was good...when we got home we were all ready to figure something out for dinner...we ended up going to Pizza Pie Cafe...probably not the HEALTHIEST choice...but it has salad/pasta/pizza for everyone...and the kids enjoy the noodles. we go...and our big thing was saying that we were NOT having another salad...HA...where did I start...the salad bar!!! I had could I go for a whole week doing SO good and then NOT start at the salad bar!?!?! I had some spinach...meat...peas...and vinaigrette dressing. (Which I'm assuming they don't use light/fat free cuz it was STRONG dressing...BLAH...too much for my taste)...then I had a SMALL SMALL piece of buffalo pizza (tomatoes, chicken)...and a regular plate of angel hair pasta...HOWEVER...I could only eat half of it and I was DONE...STUFFED to the rim...plump full!!! I did have a SLIVER of a SMALL piece of Oreo dessert pizza...but that was WAY too much sugar as well. I was impressed...for going to a place that I LOVE and usually WAY over-eating...this time I felt like I ''under" ate for paying for the buffet. I thought I did good...but I can't help but wonder if I would've finished with the real dinner I should've had...if my numbers would've been any different!?!?! Who knows...
Then yesterday...we had breakfast...Ryan made these omelet things...with eggs, sausage, green peppers, and onions...He brought me a HEAPING plate...and I said "wow...good job with portions ;)"....but I could only eat like a third of it...I was STUFFED...then we had church...I had my apple before church...and then came home to have a small bowl of cereal with skim milk before going to Ryan's parents for dinner...his mom was making taco salad...(yes SALAD AGAIN!!!)...but even with that I couldn't eat much...I loaded my plate with LOTS of romaine, red onions, tomatoes, avocado, some ground chicken, and like 10 doritos...(which I only ate like 4 of)...I am VERY impressed with myself and how I can NOT eat like I used to. I know it's a mental thing...and I know I can't let my guard or myself down...but I am very proud of myself for not snacking...not munching...not stuffing my face...just eating til I'm satisfied and stopping. Yay for me... are the results of my weigh-in and measurements yesterday!!! Drum roll please....I'm down....
6.2 lbs
5 3/4 inches 

I will NOT stop now...I can't...I'm into an amount of weight I haven't been in a LONG time!!! I WILL continue...and I WILL succeed even more!!!

1 comment:

Sandi Bennett said...

High five!!! Way to go, Becki! :)