Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Yesterday was HARD...Day #2 DONE...

So yesterday...Tuesday...was a HARD HARD HARD day. I was so hungry...just wanted a TREAT...felt like the above picture was just following me around and would NOT go away. :( All I wanted was one piece of that too much to ask!?!?!? It was HARD...
I was strong...I texted Ryan...I texted Eric...I texted my sister Kim...all of them helped encourage me and say YOU DON'T NEED IT...BE STRONG I knew I could do it. I wasn't going to give in the 2nd lame would that be!!! But it would've tasted yummy!!! 
So I did it...stuck to my "menu" and options...chugged some water...and went on with my day!!! It's really hard getting lunches or snacks for the kids though too...when you're not used to just licking your fingers...or eating one out of their bowls...or's opening my eyes to see what I do and how BAD it is!!!
So I did it...had my shake for breakfast...had an apple for my morning snack...then lunch was LOTS of spinach, celery, string green beans, and chicken, with some vinaigrette dressing!! SO YUMMY!!! :) Who knew!! And afternoon snack I had 1/2 c of cottage cheese and some grapes!!! (NOT a fan of cottage cheese...but I choked it down)...

THEN came dinner...what to do what to do!?!?!? Here it is...

 Grilled fish...steamed cabbage (which I had already eaten half of before Ryan said I should take a picture)...and a banana...oh and LOTS of water!!! Yum!!! The cabbage was MUCH better then the brussel sprouts!! We both finished it too!!! :)
Then I headed out to THE HARDEST THING EVER...we were having an activity at the church for the women (Relief Society)...and it was "Chocolate Lover's Unite"...that was the title/topic...I KNOW!!! Not fair huh!!! :) So I debated a LOT about going or not...but I needed to get out!!! I went...the chocolate smelled DELICIOUS...we got bags of M&M's and had to answer questions based on the I HAD to touch them and open was NOT easy. BUT...I did it...I didn't eat anything...I just enjoyed the smell!!! :) I guess it was a blessing too that I had to leave a little early to get to Zumba too...but it was still hard!!!
So I survived yesterday...hoping today is a LOT easier...and that I just eat what I can, when I can...and be happy with it!!! We're on day 3 half way there...really not that bad!!!
Here's to hoping for a GOOD day!!


AnnaMarie said...

Yep, that sounds like the hardest day2 ever! You are amazing!

Trent and Janel Lyman said...

man, what jerks we are to have such a naughty activity. Good for you for sticking to your plan, even it though it would have been so EASY not to. YOU CAN DO HARD THINGS!! You are strong.

Anonymous said...

I decided not to go to the activity because I have no will power when I am pregnant. yuck! good for you sweet lady. You are doing wonderful!

Mike and Jana Black said...

great job, that would have been one activity that I probably would have had to skip. You go girl!