Thursday, January 5, 2012

So incredibly SORE!!! I woke up this morning to shut off my alarm...rolled out of bed and legs, thighs, butt, back, arms shoulders...EVERYTHING was sore!!! Obviously the workout from Jillian was a killer...and did SOMETHING!!! Probably didn't help that I went a little overboard with everything else's a good sore!! I'll take this over being hurt or sore from walking up stairs that I should be able to do no problem!!! Needless to say...I laid in bed for a minute to wake up...and ended up falling back asleep :( I didn't get up to do the DVD this morning...TOMORROW for sure!!! But I did make it to the rec to speed walk a little after dropping Klous off at school!!! Only 4-5 laps of walking...BUT it was something!!! And I've got Zumba WOOHOO!!! Hooray for a fun FUN journey!!!

1 comment:

AnnaMarie said...

Keep it going, girl! Way to go! I have a friend who did Jillian's 30 Day Shred and she looks amazing.