Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Seriously starting....again :)

Alrighty people...I am serious about this again...and this time I will NOT stop until it's complete. 
I have to do something. I am unhappy...I don't like looking at myself in the mirror...I hate feeling out of breath ALL the time after simple tasks...and I just want/need to make changes. So here goes...I know I started this last year at this time...and I did SOOO good for a while...then summer came and I stopped. This time it won't be like that. I am making a LIFE change now. Not just a temporary change. I was so happy and excited with the progress I was seeing last year...and now I'm right back to where I started. I mean I guess it's good I'm not BIGGER or anything then last year...but I'm definitely not smaller either :(
So with my AMAZING hubby that I have...that will support, help, and do whatever he can to help me....and with a GREAT friend back in Wisconsin, who is also a personal trainer...I have kind of figured out a schedule I'll be doing and tracking my food intake for the last 2 weeks (which has been TERRIBLE)...but I am doing it...and I AM making changes.'s what I'm I am working on my "Goals Sheet" from Eric...and when I figure it out...I will be posting it here...and I want help and for people to know what my goals are so you can ask how I'm you can keep me accountable...and keep me going!!! 
I will be posting probably close to daily on here, so that I can track for myself how I'm feeling and what I'm down the road I can look back and read it all over again and see how far I've gotten!!! 
Here's to a new day, a new week, a new month, a new year, and a NEW BECKI!!!!


Party of Five said...

Good job Becki! I am so proud of you, and will be cheering you on from Michigan! Just think you will have support all over the country! Stay positive and you can do it!

AnnaMarie said...

DO it, girl!

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

You know I will support you as much as I can, and I have plans for myself too. I am going to look at your goal sheet when you post it. Also, I want to go to Zumba tomorrow night (Thursday) !!

Anonymous said...

woo hoo! you go girl! I am proud of you!