Friday, January 13, 2012

THE program!!! My plan... it is!!! The package I got in the mail last week...but my trainer/friend Eric was in Mexico on his I'm finally getting ready to start it this week. SO SO excited...or maybe anxious...or nervous...but READY to make a change!!!

Here's what it is...the program is called Slim in's a 6 week program...start with dvd #1 (Start it Up) that for 2 weeks...then start the dvd #2 (Ramp it Up) that for weeks 2-4....and finally do dvd #3 (Burn it Up)...and do that for weeks 4-6...YAY!!! A full plan and workout arrangement that I just have to put in my DVD player at home!!! The info-mercial stuff says it takes care of TROUBLE spots...which is clearly what I need!!! Tummy, bum, legs...YAY...SLIM THEM DOWN!!!

So I'll be doing this starting Monday...while still including Zumba and my Jillian DVD if Eric says to do it!! He knows what he's talking about...I don't!!! So we'll see...BUT...either way...I'll be doing this Slim in 6...and along with that drinking one of the Shakeology shakes once a day to curb my cravings and hunger!!! All the things I've seen or read on these products is positive...they work...they help...they're a lifestyle change, NOT just a quick we go!!

Who wants to join me!?!?!? Eric is willing to set up a group of friends of mine to work each other...hold each other who wants in!?!?! You're welcome to come to my house and do the DVD's with me...we can all slim down together!!! I know you want to!!!

All YOU need to do is...DECIDE...COMMIT...and we'll all SUCCEED together!!!

To check out more info on these products or Eric's training page...go to THIS website!!!

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