Monday, January 24, 2011


So I weighed in again this morning!! I'm down ANOTHER 2 lbs!! WooHoo :) :) :) I'm at 198 now...still got aways to go...but I'm succeeding!! Yay!! Last week was tough too...being sick and down...I over-did it on Wednesday by getting up WAY too early...then going more at night!! I also found out that since I'm not completely better from strep yet...I might not only have might be Mono!?!? So I have to take it easy still...I can't stop going to Zumba...that just doesn't seem right!! I can modify that and do as much or as little as I want...but I'll have to not do spin, treadmills, or ellipticals or awhile maybe!?!?! I don't know!?!?!
Also...last week I REALLY wanted SWEET stuff...I wanted sugar and chocolate...the pop I had just tasted funny and was TOO bubbly for me!! But the sweet treats!! Yum!!! So I went out and got some of the 100 calorie packs...I don't know if those are really any better!?!? But I feel better JUST eating that pack!! Who knows?!?!? I'm still learning!!!
So here's to starting a new week...keeping better track of what I'm eating...what I'm doing...and getting MORE sleep!!! Oh...and drinking even more water too!! I'm ready for the warmer temps to come...I just want to walk outside and play!!! It'll be here soon...then we'll be complaining it's TOO hot!!! Here's to hoping and having a GOOD week!!!
Next week will have another weigh-in AND measurements!! Yikes!!

1 comment:

AnnaMarie said...

Great job, Becki. Good luck with the sweet cravings. Are there any sweet fruits that you like that would satisfy that? Like green melon or strawberries or something? Sometimes that works for me. :)