Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sick...and losing motivation...

So I'm still post in a few days, because I've been a LOT under the weather :( I started feeling yucky on Wednesday night after a GREAT visit with a friend...Zumba class...and even a longer visit with the same GREAT friend!! I love her!! Anyways...I had the shakes/shivers...pounding headache...and just felt yucky. I thought it was another withdrawal headache cuz my body wanted sugar or caffiene or I had a bowl of cereal..(fruit loops)...and it was WAY too much sugar...I felt nauseous after that. Went to bed...woke up Thursday and was WAY worse...throat was killing me...head was spinning/pounding...very very entire body hurt, sore and couldn't be touched...and just couldn't be a Mom. :( I was doing terrible, and luckily Ryan was able to come home...and then had to bring all 3 kids to their Dr. appts alone. I felt bad...but I could hardly stand up. So then I slept a LOT that day...still not getting better...not eating much...and just feeling yuck. Friday morning I still wasn't Ryan stayed home again...THANKFULLY...and I called the Dr. They were completely had to go to InstaCare. Grandma came and sat with the kids while we went...and sure enough it's Strep...I figured when I read the symptoms online...bad headache...severe sore throat...body aches...and spots on the back of your throat. I used a flashlight to check my throat, and there was no denying...I had Strep Throat. :( I've never had it before...but I can tell SUCKS...I can't or don't want to eat or drink much, because it hurts to juice is a BIG no-no...that hurts like crazy. And nothing really tastes good. So!?!?! Anyways...thats what I've got...and I've been kinda miserable and out of it the last 3 days...
So needless to say...the diet, exercise, and desire to get healthy...hasn't been first on my mind lately. I just want something quick and easy for me and the family to eat...luckily GREAT friends/people have brought dinner to I don't have to worry about thank you to them...and all the others that have offered!! You're all GREAT!!! I don't want to lose the motivation...but get me sick...make me sleep...and I lose a LOT of the desire to get out of bed to do the exercising. I was going to go to Zumba on Thursday night and again this morning (Saturday)...but both times I was still in bed. I just want to be both healthy...AND no more germs/infections in my body healthy. Is that so much to ask!?!?!?
Ugh...I have all these yummy looking groceries and things that I bought this last week to make...but I have no desire or energy to do it. My house is a kids are MAYBE on the mend with the anti-biotics they're on...but!?!?! I don't know!?!?! I just need a little extra umph...and help this week I think...I obviously am not going to stop everything I've started and want for myself...but this has put me in a please help!! Please comment...please join me in making GOOD choices this week okay!?!?!?! I'm nervous to weigh myself on Monday...but it's gotta be stay tuned for that!!!
P.S...a couple people have commented that I'm not quite sure or positive who you are!!?!? Who is Kathleen?? And Natalie!?!?! Just curious!! Thanks for all the great comments though!!


Unknown said...

Beck, YOU CAN DO IT... life will never be without challenges or obstacles and we all get bucked off now and again... the key is to keep getting back on. You are doing awesome... stay strong... and let's start spin again this week! :)

Talyn said...

A healthy lifestyle includes not exercising when you're sick. It just doesn't include not exercising because you don't feel like it. Get your body healthy, then exercise when it is. NO guilt for skipping the workout with strep throat. And that's an order.

Party of Five said...

So sorry you are sick! I hope you are starting to feel better. Take care of you and don't feel guilty for not working out while your are sick! Love ya!

Party of Five said...
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Marilyn H said...

You should not exercise while you are sick---it will make your recovery longer! When you are feeling better start back on the exercise slowly for a couple of days until you know your body can handle it after being sick. By day 3 you should be getting back into your normal routine. Don't beat yourself up so much...what you feel is normal!!!
Love ya and you will succeed!

AnnaMarie said...

I hope you get better soon. It stinks being sick, and I second (or third, or fourth) not working out while you're sick.

krista said...

Becki you need to focus on getting better first! I know that when I am sick I have no motivation! I did come across a really great website that I have started using that is super helpful. It is You can track everything you eat and your exercising.

Unknown said...

Sorry You're not well...on top of the kids being sick all this time!! BUMMER!!

Try to take it easy, and get better! Exercise when you're so sick can make it worse, so let your body recover, and try to drink lots of water!

Get better quick! Hang in there!

Amber said...

Your blog has turned into my didn't post butt I got to hang out w you and LAUGH at me and my Zumba moves.... You know you want me ;) get well soon and you are great!

Wendy said...

So sad that Ryan is sick, too! Becki, your motivation will come back. Go easy on yourself during this! It will end!! You are great!!