Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Well...this picture is about how I feel this morning...not because spin class wore me out, but just cuz I'm tired right now!! I've been up since 4:45 and I'm TIRED. But oh was ALL worth it...and will get easier!!!

I started going to spin class in October...when my friend Amy asked if I wanted to join was something different I'd never tried I said why not!! Well after about the first week...the lady in the picture WAS me!! I was legs were butt was KILLING me from that small, little, seat...and I didn't know if I could keep going!!! We did it consecutively until the beginning of December...then came interruptions, sick kids, holidays...and we just stopped. My knees were bugging me then it was good to back off a bit for me...although I continued going to Zumba!!!

Anyways...we started again this morning...we went ALL in and full force!!! We are doing the 5:15 a.m. class, so if we want to we can do the 6 a.m. on right something else for an hour...or not!! This morning was GREAT!!! I thought for sure I'd be dying and so tired like I was on my first day of trying spin...but I wasn't!!! I could still breathe...I could manage with the gears...I could do the "in-saddle & out-of-saddle" was awesome!! I'm getting into better shape...the exercise is paying off...and I'm able to DO the work-outs!!! Granted I did take it easy with not adding HIGH gears because of my knees...BUT I still worked hard. 

I didn't continue and do the next hour class too, like Amy did...(CRAZY lady!!)...but I did go do the elliptical machine for 30 minutes...and it felt GOOD!!! I'm loving this...I'm loving the energy it gives me...I'm loving the endurance I have to get through the programs...I'm loving the happiness it's bringing me...I just love it!!! 

So THANK YOU Amy for being there for me...for being willing to get up at the butt crack of dawn to do it!! Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me!! You're great and amazing yourself...and I'm lucky to have you in my support group!!! 

Here's to not feeling like the woman in the picture...but to lasting through the rides and more...and feeling GREAT!!! I can do it!!!

Oh ya...and I'm going to Zumba tonight!! WooHoo!!!


AnnaMarie said...

Way to go, girl. You amaze me!

Marie said...

If I can convince myself to go workout, I always feel great afterwards. But I think that getting up and out by 9:30am is hard. Good job for getting out by 5am!