Monday, January 10, 2011


Hello all...
Well after the GROSS post yesterday of all the crap thats in my house...which it still is...people say they want it...and I just need to drop it off to a lucky winner I suppose!!!
Anyways...I just wanted to post and let you all know that the changes I've made ARE working...something I'm doing for myself is actually going how I'd like it!! I'm so so excited!!! I weighed myself this morning...(first time since I started the blog)...and I'm down to 205...WOO HOO!!! It's only 3 lbs...BUT it's 3 lbs!!! YAY!!! I had to have a little happy dance this morning!! I was a little shocked and got off the scale and back on...just to see if I was reading it right!!! So there...bragging moment for me!!!
Also...I know some of you have had problems leaving comments...(so I'm sorry even more now for the whining post of not feeling like I was getting support) NOW...everyone should be able to leave a comment. Let me know if you're still having problems...I've changed a few of the setting hopefully it works for all that WANT to leave comments!! Thanks for being patient and understanding with me!!!
Stay tuned...I'm going to do my measurements that I can track those as well...because I need to realize that even though I may not be losing pounds...the inches may be that'll be posted tonight!!!
Yay for me...I was happy to get that news this's to continuing and improving on even more!!! YAY :)


shelly said...

That is so awesome!! It's so worth it when the numbers on the scale start dropping!! Keep up the awesome work!!!

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

You are amazing woman!!! Way to go!

krista said...

Becki, I think that you are doing awesome and you have been way way too hard on yourself. I feel so bad that I didn't even know everything that you have been going through the last year or so. I want you to know that I think that you are an absolute amazing person! You are such a great wife, mother, and friend!! I really hope that you can see that because you really are wonderful!
p.s. I think that you are doing great. One thing that has always helped me is to write down everything I eat and even counting the calories. That way, if you do really great one day, you can reward yourself with a treat! It's hard to deprive yourself of all treats and fun to reward yourself for doing well. Also, one that is really hard for me, is cutting out all soda even diet and only drinking water.

Party of Five said...

Yep you are awesome! Every little bit gets you closer to your goal, so don't discredit that. Good job!

Kathleen said...

Yippee! That's fantastic. One day at a time, little by little. Congratulations!!