Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Alright...I've been thinking the last day...wondering what to write about next...and here it is...time to write. 
I've got goals for this year...and I was going to list them all and be accountable for them...which I will sometime. But right now I want to show you all what inspires me. I go to a Zumba class on Mon & Wed nights...the teacher is Shelly...and she is simply amazing. She is a person, mom, woman, and struggles just like I do. Since going and getting to know her a little more, she has really helped me out...and this post on her BLOG has helped me think about my goals and resolutions for this year. So you should check it out and read it too!!!
Ok...so as for me...I have kind of a large number of pounds I'd like to lose...but people keep telling me not to focus on the numbers...not to get on the scale often...??????????? What do I do!?!?!? How do I do it and not focus on the pounds?? How do I get better food and groceries in my house to eat??? How do I change my diet to still enjoy food, but have it be better & healthier??? How do I be pleased with myself when I'm not getting the immediate results I want!?!?!
I've been one to start diets and changes...but I don't last because I get to discouraged and down on myself?? I just fail...and this time I DON'T want to fail...
So please comment...please leave suggestions...anything...I want to make these changes...I want for my kids to be healthier then I am...I want to be able to look at myself and like what I'm seeing...
So please help...please!!!


Amber said...

My Mom has a few tricks (she lost 100 lbs and has kept it off for 2 yrs). When she scoops her food for dinner she never lets the food touch. She has a smaller plate and instead of the mashed potatoes gooing over into the pile of corn, they don't touch. She does this every dinner. She is awesome an has lots of tricks!
Love ya!

Talyn said...

My problem with getting on the scale too often is that my weight fluctuates for lots of different reasons, some of which aren't very related to how well I'm progressing to my goals. (Water retention, my period, how recently I ate, how recently I drank, how recently I nursed...) I can go up and down 3 pounds from one day to the next, but that doesn't always reflect how well I've been doing. Getting on the scale once a week at the most is a better way to actually see what's going on. That or using a tape measure once a month.

If you want to see faster progress from living a healthier lifestyle, try keeping a journal of how your body is feeling. Just a couple of sentences. Today this is how I exercised, this is how I ate, this is how I feel. You'll see pretty soon that your mood changes before your waist does, and that'll also help you to keep how you feel about yourself separate from what the scale says.

I made a food pyramid for myself and my oldest with movable pieces to track what we eat each day. It's a lazy way to do a food diary, and it's also visible to my husband and my children, which helps me stay accountable. I get grouchy if Kevin asks me about what I ate, but just knowing he can look at it anytime (it's up on the pantry door) helps me stay on track without being upset at him for asking about it.

It also helps me to teach my child that she can't have a peanut butter sandwich 12 times a day, because she needs fruits, vegetables, and dairy too. It's nice to be able to blame the pyramid and not just be a mean mom.

I got my food pyramid stuff from mypyramid.gov and if you want I can send you the documents I made, cut out, and mounted.

But, don't try everything all at once. Pick a couple things so that you won't be overwhelmed.

You can do this!

Shelly said...

I'm so glad my post got you thinking and reevaluating!

How do you do it and not focus on the pounds? By making a healthy lifestyle be your goal instead of the weight. Count the number of days you succeed at that, instead of the number of pounds you have to lose. (HINT: this is the topic for my next post!) Rack 'em up, baby! Count the days you succeed, not *consecutive* days you succeed. You'll probably slip up, but just get back on and keep adding all those days up!

And I think your husband does not want the wife he had 10 years ago. You are so much more complete with all the bonding and experiences you've had since then. He wants you the way you are NOW, only he'd probably like it if you were happier about yourself.


Unknown said...

Good for you, for wanting to be healthier!

My advice is to stay away from the scale. My reasons for this may be different from other people's because for me getting on the scale and seeing the numbers is a huge trigger for my eating disorder...it took me long time to admit that I had an issue, but I've found a way to stay healthy and not become obsessed

Obviously, I have had some MAJOR food issues in my life, and I know not everyone deals with what I've gone through. For a while I went to a professional nutritionist to help me out. I learned some valuable things. One of the best things I did was read a book called Intuitive Eating, by Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD and Elyse Resch, MS, RD, FADA.


Here's a link to their site:

This book really focuses on how to change the way you think about food; how to teach your body and mind to respond in a healthy way to food and exercise. It's not a super quick fix, but it has changed the way I eat and the way my family eats in so many great ways!

I have been thinner, healthier, and happier since learning to eat this way!

Good luck sweetie! Don't get discouraged! {{{hugs!}}}

Party of Five said...

Okay, so because I can't do things like Zumba, I HAVE to make sure I am eating healthy. I am not an expert by any means but through my research I have found that the food pyramid is NOT what you want to follow. It is called the Standard American Diet for a reason- notice that it spells SAD. There are not enough fruits and veggies and too much meat and grains. My first suggestion is this: try to limit your meat intake to one or two days a week. Get protein from eggs, beans, nuts, and cheese(but not too much because of the fat); and drink LOTS of water. Drink two big glasses of water before you sit down for a meal, you will be less likely to eat too much. Love ya Becki and I'm excited to see your journey!

AnnaMarie said...

Hey girl. You'll have to figure out what works and will continue working for you. For me, the scale provides too much pressure. I like to measure in ability. How long I can run on the treadmill, how well I can follow along in a class, how I feel in a certain pair of jeans.

One of the first steps I'd make in the kitchen is to get a bag and purge your cupboards. Oreos, chips, pop tarts...get them out of the house. I have a hard time throwing food in teh garbage, so I'll give (unopened) stuff to the missionaries. :) Their bodies can take it. You'll be amazed at how much less you spend on groceries if you don't buy food that has no nutritional value. Yes, fruits and vegetables can add up, but not as quickly as $4/box of cereal and $3/bag of cookies or chips. Find fruits and vegetables that you LIKE and keep those within easy snacking reach.

It's a process. It's not going to happen overnight. We wish it would, but it's hard work, plain and simple. We watch those Biggest Loser contestants change their lives, but even with 6-8 hours in the gym every day, some weeks they "only" lose 6 pounds. So, don't pressure yourself too much, but don't let yourself off easy, either. Expect changes, and make them happen!

You can do it!

CaradonandtheBoys! said...

I really like reading this stuff too because it is good advice. I especially like Lilly's idea of drinking water before you sit down to eat. Hang in there, Beck, we will both reach our goals, and we can really be there for each other along the way. I love you!!

Wendy said...

I like stepping on the scale every day, contrary to the normal advice. I know there's a little fluctuation that's normal, but if I go above a certain number I know I have to evaluate what I've been doing, and if I go down, I give myself a pat on the back. I don't stres about it, I just like doing it!

I like Lilly's food ideas, too. Almonds are a great nut to get into. My doc said they will not make you gain weight. Plus, they are loaded with good nutrients & protein. Raw is healthiest, if you can get used to that. One thing I do when I'm on track (which I haven't done for a long time until this week), is try to have several veggies available for dinner, some raw, one or two lightly cooked. Or a big salad. If I make myself eat the veggies & such first, I'm more likely to eat smaller portions of the fats & starches. I'm amazed at how fast my weight has dropped when I start adding more veggies to lunch and dinner.

Good luck!! I'm getting inspired!